The situation in Brazil is really heating up right now. As much as we can trust the statistics coming out over there, we’re looking at an average 26,000 new cases per day and roughly 1,000 fatalities.
Author: Mati Greenspan
Bitcoin Drops Below $9,500 While Stocks Give a Mixed Picture
There are too many people out there trading on momentum, and not enough who actually do the work.
Bitcoin Hovers Around $9,500 While Stocks Rally
The old English tale of Robinhood has always been an inspiring one. It might not apply to all times and places, but given the landscape of the global economy we certainly could use a hero.
A Soft Open to the Week, With Stocks And Bitcoin A Touch Lower
Hope you had a relaxing weekend, because the markets are back to full volatility this morning.
Stocks Recover While Bitcoin Remains Weak Going Into Weekend
Economic data is in from the U.K. today, and all of it is worse than expected. Here’s one sensational headline from The Guardian this morning.
Stocks and Digital Assets Take a Hit
Wall Street and the stock markets have flipped from bulls to bears in the aftermath of yesterday’s Fed announcement.
Stocks And Bitcoin Are Flat While Gold is Up
As I’m writing, I have J-POW in my ear talking about the most sudden economic downturn in history in his sweet, humdrum voice.
Bitcoin Remains Firm As Fed-Induduced US Dollar Weakness Continues
That we’re in strange times right now, I don’t think anyone will argue. The chain reaction of global events leading up to this point is the stuff that books and movies are made from, and no doubt historic records referring to this time will be quite popular at some point in the future.
Bitcoin Still Hovers Under $10,000 While Stocks Continue to Surge
Over the weekend, we witnessed the popular protest movement Black Lives Matter spread across the Atlantic, as hundreds of thousands of people across the globe have taken up the call. While I applaud the fact that people are waking up to racial injustice and certainly support this cause, one can’t […]
Stocks Rally in Response to Positive US Jobs Data, Bitcoin Remains Firm
Finally, the year 2020 has delivered a fantastic surprise. The fact that all the massive surprises so far this year have been historically dismal only makes this news that much sweeter. Stocks are flying in response to this fantastic jobs report, and the recovery rally that seemed to be fading […]