Author: Mati Greenspan

Number of Bitcoin Transactions Are Down to 2018 Levels

Number of Bitcoin Transactions Are Down to 2018 Levels

Even though Bitcoin itself can’t catch Coronavirus, it seems that just like many things in our rapidly changing society we’re now seeing the affects of Covid-19 play out in Bitcoin’s network. As far as on-chain transactions go, daily bitcoin volume is averaging just over $1 billion, which is sharply lower […]

The Fed Will Buy An “Unlimited” Amount of Assets

The Fed Will Buy An “Unlimited” Amount of Assets

How much is infinity? Mathematicians often spend their entire career pondering the square root of two or the endless decimals of Pi yet they often find that the concept of endless is simply unfathomable. Our brains are quite finite as are the tools we use to process information. Well, it’s […]

Bitcoin Remains Firm but its Hash Rate Has Dropped

Bitcoin Remains Firm but its Hash Rate Has Dropped

Another day another dismal record. This one comes from the US Department of Labor who reported that 3.28 million new people filed for unemployment this past week. That’s more than five times the previous record. I know that we’re supposed to be flattening the curve by staying home but I […]

Bitcoin Responds Well to Fed Announcing Aggressive QE Program

Bitcoin Responds Well to Fed Announcing Aggressive QE Program

Man, the Fed will buy anything! Over the weekend there was much discussion surrounding Congresswoman Rashida Tlaib who proposed the issuance of two platinum coins, each one worth exactly $1 trillion. Wait what?? The $1 trillion coin was first hypothesized during Obama’s response to the original financial crisis. And no, […]

Is Bitcoin Decoupling From Traditional Risky Assets?

Is Bitcoin Decoupling From Traditional Risky Assets?

“Like gold, US Dollars hold value only to the extent that they are strictly limited in supply.” Benjamin Bernanke Former Fed Chair November 21, 2002 Less than seven years later Helicopter Ben, as he’s since been nicknamed, became the father of quantitative easing and set the world down a path […]

Inflation Hedges Are Looking Increasingly More Interesting

Inflation Hedges Are Looking Increasingly More Interesting

Seems like the markets have finally found some level of sanity today. Though things are still quite volatile, at least the reduced level of movement is providing some breathing room. So at this time, I’d like to ponder with you about a few of the ways that the world has […]