2018 Chicago-Kent Block (Legal) Tech Conference

Starts: 8/9/18 Ends: 8/9/18

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Chicago, IL USA

Price: Free

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

28 crypto investors read this
The day-long conference will focus on the evolving regulatory and legal issues in the blockchain and cryptocurrency space. Moving past the typical canned pitches, the conference will include a number of talks, interviews, and debates—delving deep into the complicated issues that affect the crypto-landscape, such as the future of U.S. regulation of crypto-assets, government’s role in promoting blockchain adoption, minimizing the risks of crypto-litigation, the role of lawyers (“crypto counsel”), the evolution of smart contracts and the impact on the legal profession, and myriad other legal issues that stem from the use and implementation of blockchain and distributed ledger technology.

Ken Blanco, FinCEN
Kevin Batteh, Delta Strategy Group

Jenner & Block

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