Blockchain and A.I. Africa Conference 2020

Starts: 3/11/20 Ends: 3/12/20

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Investec, 100 Grayston Dr, Sandown, Sandton, 2196
Johannesburg, SA

Price: $173

Expected Attendees: 500

Established: 2015

Quick Summary

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Since 2015, Bitcoin Events’ annual Blockchain Africa Conferences have been the first of their kind in Africa and have brought together some of the top thought leaders from across the globe. Over 32 countries, 1600 delegates and 135 speakers have attended our previous five conferences, from both the public and private sectors. Join us at Africa’s leading blockchain and cryptocurrency conference, the Blockchain Africa Conference 2020 where we will cut through the hype and showcase the potential of these disruptive and innovative technologies. The conference will explore how blockchain technology and cryptocurrencies provide opportunities and benefits for individuals, governments, start-ups, companies, and institutions by removing and improving inefficient systems and processes within and across organizations.

Tone Vays, Content Creator, Derivatives Trader & Consultant
Chris Becker, Blockchain Lead At Investec Private Banking
Carmelle Cadet, Founder & CEO of EMTECH


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