Blockchain & Distributed Ledger: Unlocking the Potential of the Internet of Value

Starts: 1/17/20 Ends: 1/17/20

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Aula Magna Carassa e Dadda, edificio BL.28, via Lambruschini 4, campus Bovisa
Milan, Italy

Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 300

Established: 2020

Quick Summary

67 crypto investors read this
This event will cover the following subject areas: What happened in 2019 in the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger area? What are the latest technological innovations in the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger areas? What are the main cross-industry sectors of the application of the Blockchain What are the main international projects? How are Italian companies organizing themselves to exploit Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies? How much is the Blockchain and Distributed Ledger market invested in Italy in Blockchain and Distributed Ledger technologies? When can Blockchain and Distributed Ledger bring value to concrete business projects? How is the regulator moving on these issues?



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