Blockchain Investors Summit Singapore

Starts: 3/15/19 Ends: 3/15/19

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Marina Bay Sands, 10 Bayfront Ave
Singapore 018956

Price: $100

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2017

Quick Summary

47 crypto investors read this
BIS Singapore is a Blockchain conference focused on institutional investors, hedge funds, sovereign wealth funds, private banks, family offices, corporate investors and crypto investors. The objective of Singapore Blockchain Investors Summit is to provide a thriving platform to Blockchain experts, consultants and enthusiasts around the world to come together and explore relevant synergies, understand the far-reaching effects of the revolutionary technology and innovate ideations that change the world.

Karthik Iyer, Venture partner at Genesis Block Capital
Alex Nascimento, Managing Director at 7CC Investments
Jonathan Chan, Managing Director at Vigilant Assets

Genesis Block

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