
Starts: 9/14/18 Ends: 9/14/18

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Kyiv, Ukraine

Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 1200

Established: 2015

Quick Summary

51 crypto investors read this
The BlockchainUA conference aims to draw in a general crowd to inform participants, to build a strong community, and to boost the buzz around Ukraine at an international level. Our mission is to make the event accessible for as many people as possible while providing the right level of organization — we're providing food and coffee breaks during the event, access to the afterparty, videos of all the talks, networking, and much more.

Jeff McDonald - NEM Foundation Founding Board Member
Keiichi Hida - Executive Director of Japan Blockchain Association(JBA)
Pavel Kravchenko - Co-founder at Distributed Lab
Radoslav Albrecht - CEO & Founder at Bitbond


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