Creative: Unblocked

Starts: 6/29/18 Ends: 6/29/18

BMJ Score[?]


London, UK

Price: Free

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

19 crypto investors read this
Exploring the benefits of blockchain to the creative industries: – Blockchain for music – Blockchain for film – Blockchain for media, adtech and marketing How is blockchain transforming the music and film business to benefit creators? Can micropayments facilitated by cryptocurrencies to save the media? How are advertising and marketing being turned on their heads by new developments in blockchain technology? How are IPRs being impacted by blockchain? Get answers to these questions and more at Creatives: Unblocked.

Phil Barry, Founder and CEO of Blokur
Helen Disney, CEO and Founder of Unblocked Events

Singular DTV

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