Digital Money Forum at CES2019

Starts: 1/8/19 Ends: 1/8/19

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3355 Las Vegas Blvd
Las Vegas, NV

Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 1500

Established: 2016

Quick Summary

46 crypto investors read this
The Digital Money Forum at CES 2019 is a one day conference and reception that focuses on the transformation of money to digital currencies. Held amidst the innovation that’s the hallmark of CES, this conference and marketplace provides attendees with a look at some of the hottest new products in the fintech, crypto, blockchain and ICO communities, with an eye towards how the road ahead will play out.

Tim Draper, Draper Associates
Brock Pierce, Bitcoin Foundation
Matthew Roszak, Co-founder & Chairman of Bloq


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