Global FinBlock Forum 2019: Silicon Valley Blockchain Week

Starts: 1/12/19 Ends: 1/12/19

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55 E 3rd Ave
San Mateo, CA

Price: $1000

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2019

Quick Summary

34 crypto investors read this
The summit will be the first of its kind in the San Francisco Bay Area, focusing on on the intersection of blockchain technology and finance.The FinBlock Summit will gather world-class venture capitalists, entrepreneurs, industry professionals, incubators, media platforms and regulation experts from all over the world in both blockchain and finance industry. There will be extensive networking, media exposure and potential partnership opportunities.

Arkadi Kuhlmann, Banking Entrepreneur
Andrew Tang, CEO of Draper University, Investment Partner at Draper Associates and Draper Dragon Fund; Ramble, Chairman of the North America Blockchain Association

Draper Dragon
SWFT Blockchain

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