Legalize Blockchain

Starts: 7/24/18 Ends: 7/25/18

BMJ Score[?]


Porto, Portugal

Price: Free

Expected Attendees: 200

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

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Possibly the biggest change in the world since the emergence of the Internet, the Blockchain technology came to revolutionize the way we carry out transactions between people and entities in a secure, global and decentralised basis. Popularly known because of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, Blockchain will cause a massive transformation of the legal world and the society as we know it. Smart contracts, people and documents authentication, as well as business models that have never before been possible, start to rise in a new wave of innovation and connected services. To jurists, executives and entrepreneurs, it remains to understand how they can integrate in this marvelous new world and which its major legal impacts are.

Dra. Christiane Wendehorst, Professor of the University of Vienna
Dorota Zablocka, Energy and Startup Lawyer of EY Law


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