Monaco Blockchain Conference 2019

Starts: 5/31/19 Ends: 5/31/19

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Fairmont Hotel & Twiga, 12 Avenue des Spélugues, 98000

Price: $225

Expected Attendees: 500

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

227 crypto investors read this
The Monaco Blockchain Conference brings together over 45 Investment Funds, 27 Family Offices, 85 High Net Worth Investors and some of the worlds leading Blockchain Projects for a day and evening of discussions, pitching and networking. ​We have speakers from some of the most successful Blockchain Funds in the world and discussions around Investments, Capital Raising, Regulations, Market Making and Market Entry for Institutional funds.

Oliver Harris, Head of Crypto Assets Strategy at JP Morgan Chase
Giuseppe Ambrosio, President of the Monaco Single and Multi-Family Office Association
Athanasios Ladopoulos, Chief Investment Officer at Lapo Blockchain

Black Phoenix Capital
Lapo Blockchain
Morpheus Labs

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