NYC Security Token Forum

Starts: 4/12/19 Ends: 4/12/19

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Time Square Towers, 7 W 45th Street,
New York, NY

Price: $399

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

33 crypto investors read this
The NYC Security Token Forum will bring key STO experts together with Wall Street influencers to discuss key issues around STO and build collaborations for the emergence of a healthy STO ecosystem. Key topics covered in the Forum include: * Where is blockchain headed in 2019? * Will security token be able to transform capital markets? * New Game, New Infrastructure: Protocols and Issuance Platforms * The Landscape of Security Token Offering Market * International Security Token Roundtable: Which country is leading the security token revolution? * The Next Unicorn in the Global Token Market * How to Raise Capital with an STO: Marketing and Broker-Dealers

Tim Draper, Founder of Draper Associates
Jeff Bandman, Founder & Principal at Bandman Advisors
Yorke Rhodes III, Co-Founder of Blockchain @Microsoft & Program Manager of Azure Blockchain Engineering

Chamber of Digital Commerce
Draper Associates

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