Paris Blockchain Week Summit 2019

Starts: 4/16/19 Ends: 4/17/19

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Paris, France
Station F, 5 Parvis Alan Turing 75013
Paris, France

Price: $969

Expected Attendees: 3000

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

14 crypto investors read this
B10 is the flagship event held during Paris Blockchain Week. It will take the main stage to discuss topics such as EU regulation, stable coins, decentralized exchanges, security tokens, governance, interoperability and more. Renowned speakers from the best blockchain and digital asset companies in the world will share their stories and insights on the market and its prospects.

Brock Pierce, Co-Founder of EOS Alliance & Chairman at Bitcoin Foundation
Robert Wiecko, COO at Dash
Dominik Schiener, Co-Founder of IOTA

Association Française pour la Gestion des Cybermonnaies

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