SHE256: Women in Blockchain Conference

Starts: 4/23/18 Ends: 4/23/18

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Berkeley, CA, USA

Price: Free

Expected Attendees:

Established: 2018

Quick Summary

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We believe that the blockchain space needs a platform to engage the community (especially women) to learn about blockchain, its use cases and the many open problems existing in the industry. We want to empower women by highlighting existing diversity and opportunity by breaking down the barriers to pave the way for more improvement and involvement. This conference will explore the ground-breaking research, protocols and specific applications of blockchain, especially in projects that are led by women in the space. We want to foster collaborations between researchers, professionals, and students to help women get access to the right resources and enter the industry with confidence.

Dawn Song, Professor in the Department of Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at Berkeley
Monica Quaintance, Leads engineering and adoption strategy at Kadena

Dekrypt Capital
Blockchain at Berkeley

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