etc.venues, St. Pauls 200 Aldersgate,
London, EC1A 4HD UK
Price: $900
Expected Attendees:
Established: 2018
Quick Summary
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Synchronize Europe will host a delegation of senior financial services executives across the buy-side, sell-side, financial market infrastructures, fintech startups, consultancies, vendors as well as regulators and policymakers. Attendees will hear directly from practitioners at some of the largest financial institutions in the world as they rollout production deployments of DLT and learn the most effective ways to evaluate and deploy DLT for their business, how it fits into the existing market structure and what the business requirements of the technology actually are; challenges that have been overcome, from roles and governance, scalability and confidentiality, to interoperability and integration; and how it fits in within larger technology trends, such as cloud, machine learning, and focus on enabling developer productivity.
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