Evergrande Drama Unfolds, Global Markets Sell Off

A brutal sell-off is gripping global markets today, and it’s all being blamed on one company.

Clocking in at number 122 on the Fortune Global 500 list, China’s Evergrande Group is primarily a real estate conglomerate, but they apparently have their fingers in a bunch of stuff.

The company has done extremely well since the great financial crisis, managing to leverage investment opportunities in a cash-intensive industry.

However, it seems that since financial conditions have become a bit more difficult, all that leverage is now tightening around them like a boa constrictor.

Their stock has been declining steadily the entire year, and it seems the drama has now spread globally.

Bitcoin has just seen its worst drop since last month, and it is now trading at levels not seen since August.

As previously noted, the global currency is fluctuating in a very wide range between $30,000 and $60,000 and is currently toying with the 200-day moving average, meaning that if you slept through the dip today and zoomed out on the charts, you didn’t miss a thing.

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